Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Random health issues

For some reason when I browse the BBC news site I end up reading a lot about developments in medicine (while I don't usually think much about this while I'm doing it, admitting to this now makes me feel as if I'm behaving like some old, grumbly lady - who else would be reading up on these things? ;-P).

Anyway, here's two articles that caught my eye (who knows, maybe there are more people like me who are grumbly, old ladies at heart and are reading my blog?).
The first is about smoking. According to statistics if you're a heavy smoker, cutting down does little to help your health, you just have to completely stop for it to have a significant impact.
Now while I do not smoke myself, the other article is one that veeeery much applies to me. It's about sitting in front of computers and the impact it has on your back. For some reason everyone always tells you to sit up straight - well apparently that's bullshit. Maybe I should bully my parents into getting myself a different chair for the computer - one which would allow my back a different angle ;-P

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