Anyway, back to my social life - here is the proof I have for its existance:

See, I am sitting with as many as four people (and a fifth is taking the picture), don't you think that's impressive? ;)
Ok, ok - I know I've not convinced anyone ;-P I am a sad, lonely person who doesn't have a social life and nobody likes me, so I keep writing a blog instead ;-P
I do however have a peculiar passion for watching figure skating and it can get so extreme that I go to watch skating events that no more than 5 other people (who aren't skaters, coaches, skating officials or families of a skater) want to watch and then I torment innocent people by putting up video clips of these performances on-line.
If you think you're up for the challenge, here are two clips from Nats (do you like my camerawork? ;-P). I uploaded them to google because youtube doesn't like me (either me or my firewall). There will be more vids on the walley forum, but this is all I'm putting on my blog from this event.
This is Ania Jurkiewicz who has made a comeback this season. She was once 5th at junior Worlds, but has not competed for the last 4 years or so. Me and the 4 people you can see on the photo above tried to remember when was the last time that a lady in Poland landed a triple flip at Polish Nationals and we had to go back to about 1999 or 2000... Therefore please enjoy the first triple flip performed by a lady at Polish Nats in the last 7 years or so ;-P (and the program is pretty good too, she won the senior ladies by a mile)
And this is the short program of Przemek DomaĆski. I'm a huge fan of his. And while probably a major reason for my fandom is that he likes to tell us about how he keeps wiping his nose on his trousers during sit spins and what happens during a jump if he doesn't find a moment in the performance where he can wipe it (which apparently was particularly problematic at these Nats because the rink was very cold), he is also a very ambitious skater and I think this season he's skating at a truly international level. Proof of that is that he was not satisfied with this short program which he said was his worst this season (he had meant to start with a triple-triple combination, not a triple-double). He still won both parts of the senior men competition and ended up with a 20 point margin over everyone else.
So after having failed to convince anyone that I have a social life or that Polish skating is interesting (which it really is to me although sometimes even I'm surprised by this), I convey my Christmas wishes to all who are reading my blog :) I hope the one or two people reading it spend it very enjoyably!
NOTE (29.XII.2006): I would like to give credit for the wonderful photo I used to Magda :D (see the comments to this post). I have also been instructed to say that she is not in fact a blackmailer contrary to what I've written about her in the comments (but I'm not sure if you're better off believing her or me about it ;-P)
Where are copyrights of this picture? lol
*very big blush* Sorry, I'm obviously a horrible pirate. I will edit my post as soon as you tell me how you want to be credited exactly :D (nick, name, name & surname)
Btw, your photos (for which I am grateful :D even if I haven't showed it by giving you credit for them *another big blush*) have miserably failed to convince my father that I have a social life. My mother however is actually considering the possibility (and she also says that I look as if I was picking my nose on that picture).
P.S. Magda, you can no longer threaten us by saying you'll show the photos to skaters who don't like what we write about them on walley so that they can beat us up *evil cackle* You see, you weren't cautious enough ;) You were walking around during Marta Olczak's free program and as I discovered while making the video file, if I make a still in a particular place in the recording I have a nice shot of your face *evil grin*
My recordings however, put Ziggy under much larger threat. If you watch the Jakub Tyc file, you can very clearly hear his voice while he' making comments about Tyc's costume...
You’re forcing me to practice my English which, since my maturity exams have been becoming poorer and poorer. I think it have conjunction with Andreja of who you are so scared that she will be lonely at Euros. I promised that I will be chatting with her! Also, I have to write that I haven’t blackmailed anyone yet using these photos. ;-) You did it first with this video with my face. Already with a fact that this video exist (I’m bad because I’m walking somewhere during skater program, it’s a bad habit). :-)
What a pity that this record of Ziggys comments is so short! :-)
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