- Introvert or Extravert
- Sensing or iNtuition
- Thinking or Feeling
- Judging or Perceiving
You can read up more about these factors on wikipedia. By using them people can be divided into 16 different personality types. You can read more about the types here or here.
Because I think it's fun, here are a couple of personality tests *grin*
The one which is definitely the most fun is a Harry Potter test ;) It assigns you to a personality type, but also to a character in the Harry Potter series which belongs to that particular personality type. This might seem like a strange thing to do, but you'll find psychologists actually write entire works about personality types in literature. In fact I rather think it's probably much easier to assign a fictional character to a personality type than it is a real person.
You can check out all the possible personalities with Harry Potter characters assigned to them here.
You can also check out the Jung Typology Test and a a test which is supposed to be for computer programmers but I think you'll be able to do it anyway :) (the cool thing about these two is that they tell you how many of your answers pointed towards which traits).
The other Myers-Briggs personality test I found is the BBC one. It uses slightly different terms, but it's basically the same thing. It's "planner or spontaneous" instead of "judging or perceiving", "heads or hearts" instead of "thinking or feeling", "facts or ideas" instead of "sensing or intuition".
Finally if you want a totally different kind of test, then check out this Big Five Personality Traits Test. This is based on a different sort of idea - rather than assign people to a personality type, they are evaluated on 5 different traits:
- Openness to Experience
- Conscientiousness
- Extraversion
- Agreeableness
- Neuroticism
By the way, according to wikipedia the Myers-Briggs tests have a very low reliability rate, about 50% of people get different results upon retaking it lol
But despite that I'm rather curious what you got on those tests - maybe you could post in the comments? :)
I'm also curious if you think my results suit me ;)
On the Big 5 test I got three traits average, Extraversion low and Openness high. My exact results are here if you want to see them (though I actually think it's the least interesting of the tests ;-P).
On the Myers-Briggs tests I mostly got INTJ (which is Snape ;) ), though I also once got INFJ (Dumbledore) on the HP test and ISTJ (Hermione) on the BBC test. On both of these though when I changed some answers that I thought I could have answered in more than one way I came up as INTJ. I think the ISTJ description totally doesn't suit me though ;-P ISTJ's are supposed to be very orderly with the way they put things, excellent with time management and very systematical - which I think are not really traits that many people would associate with me ;) On the other hand a personality that I didn't get, but I think some could argue for me is INTP (Voldemort). I think I'm probably an INTJ though, which is a bit interesting in that it's apparently extremely uncommon (0.8% in the USA) amongst women ;-P
In terms of numbers this is what I got on the programmer's test:
E=4 Extraversion
I=7 Introversion
S=2 Sensing
N=18 iNtuition
T=11 Thinking
F=8 Feeling
J=16 Judging
P=3 Perceiving
And this on the Jung test:
Strength of the preferences %
89% Introverted
88% Intuitive
38% Thinking
33% Judging
On a random note, I think the part of this FAQ about INTJs in which they tell you how to deal with INTJs is hilarious ;)
Hi Monika, I have a good photo of your room if you want to post it to show how orderly you like the things around you?
I did the tests and am pleased to announce that I am just like Olympe Maxime, whoever that is (presumably some kind of grossly fat pompous moron), and:
Extraverted 33
Intuitive 50
Thinking 12
Judging 78
on the second test which apparently means I don't like to sit next to the window on an aeroplane because I can't control the view. Actually I always prefer to sit by the window.
Olympe Maxime is Hagrid's love interest in book4 ;) She's not so much fat as very tall and big-boned, but yes she is a bit pompous ;) (but you read book4, so maybe you remember her?)
I don't know about your type. I rather doubt you're an ENTJ (but I think most of the description suits my dad well despite not getting him down to sit the test ;-P), but Madame Maxime doesn't sound too bad actually (maybe not perfect, but I think at least some of that is true, no?). Check out this and this description.
As for my very orderly room ;) Er... I thought you didn't manage to get a pic of it at its "best" ;)
But yeah - I'm definitely not an ISTJ ;) On the other hand I think INTJ is not a bad description of me (I think even you'd agree with some of it ;) for example my type is supposed to appear arrogant and always think I'm right ;) ).
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