Thursday, February 15, 2007

Nishabd - the Indian Lolita

I think it's appropriate to follow up my Valentine's Day post with the trailer for Ram Gopal Varma's new film Nishabd... It is a story of love between a 60 and 18 year old and the 60 year old is played by none other than Mr Amitabh Bachchan *grin* For those of you who don't know much about Mr Bachchan (and I'm putting the Mr in on purpose because he is often referred to that way, well either like that or just simply as Big B), he is perhaps India's biggest ever superstar. His biggest popularity was in the 1970s. Now there are other Indian actors who have better results in the box office, but despite being over 60 he is still immensely popular all over the world. In fact when BBC did a worldwide poll in 1999 for the greatest actor of the millenium, it was Amitabh Bachchan who came first ahead of actors such as Laurence Olivier and Marlon Brando.
But back to Nishabd... Since many people were already quite "er, what?" about Mr Amitabh Bachchan's choice of role in KANK where he plays Sexy Sam (an older man who enjoys the company of beautiful women very much), this part will probably create even more controversy in India.
Here's one of the promos:

For me personally it's interesting, funny and bizarre that he is taking up these sorts of roles now. It is rather against his image (the "Mr" should have clued you in on that one), but it's not just that. Somehow I've always taken him for a traditionalist (in terms of his private life). In fact he is currently under public fire because of a very traditional Hindu practice that was performed in his family recently. His son, Abhishek has gotten engaged to Aishwarya Rai, but for astrological reasons Aishwarya has had to marry two trees and an idol before she can marry Abhishek.

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