Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Women's Rights in Afghanistan

Found an article on BBC about women's rights in Afghanistan. Here's a short quote of what was the most shocking thing for me:

"My message, really, to the international community is: you need to address specific security issues for women," she says.

"Women's rights activists are getting killed, women's NGO workers are getting killed, and that is not going to change unless some drastic action is taken," Ms Fernandes continues.

The entire article is here

If you're interested in the problem, there is a very good feature film about women in Afghanistan available. It is by Iranian director Samira Makhmalbaf and entitled At Five in the Afternoon. It's the (fictional) story of a girl who dreams of becoming the president of Afghanistan. It was shown in Poland by GutekFilm in 2004 and as far as I know has been released in many countries abroad.

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